Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"God Can Use Anybody" and Other Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter

A teacher must learn the lesson she is teaching before she can thoroughly teach her students. This was certainly the case for me. I spent so much time in the Word this semester as I taught through 1 & 2 Peter. It was a privilege. But in the interest of keeping it real, I feel the need to let you know that most of the time, lessons were put together on Tuesday nights before Bible Study on Wednesday morning. The entire week's worth of homework was done on one day, usually Monday. Almost every time I sat down to write, I came up blank at first. Almost every time I stood up to teach, my confidence wavered. I certainly have not felt worthy of the position of Bible teacher because in my mind, I'm just little old Amber. I know my weaknesses, my failures, my shortcomings. So many of you are twice my age and I'm blown away that God could use me to teach you anything new. It's a miracle really! So as I sat down to write the top ten lessons I learned from 1 and 2 Peter, the one lesson that stood out for me above them all is that 


You don't have to know it all. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to have it all together.

In this world of suffering and trials and the enticement of Satan and false teaching and people who call themselves Christians without actually being Christ followers, God wants to use YOU and he wants to use ME. It's amazing, considering that if he wanted to, he could just call down audibly from Heaven and tell us to shape up and read our Bibles and follow Him. Instead, he has gifted each one of us with everything we need and charged us with taking the Good News, THE GOSPEL, to the ends of the Earth. He wants to use us!

So learn these lessons from the New Testament, but don't let it stop there.  GO and tell the good news; share these precious promises with everyone you know. I can't wait to see you back in the spring when we'll dig into another book in God's Word together. Until then...

Ten Lessons From 1 & 2 Peter

   1. Trials test the genuineness of my faith.
1 Peter 1:6-7, 4:1-2, 4:12-19, 5:10

   2.  I should live as an exile, set apart from the world.
1 Peter 1:1,17, 2:11

    3.  Obedience to the Word is the key to loving deeply.
1 Peter 1:22, 4:8-10

    4.  Christ is the Cornerstone and I am a living stone.
1 Peter 2:4-8

    5.  My submission to any and all authority honors God.
1 Peter 2:13-25, 3:1-7

    6.  I need to know God’s Word.
1 Peter 3:15, 2 Peter 3:1-3

    7.  Satan seeks to destroy me by enticing me with substitute gospels. 
1 Peter 5:8-9, 2 Peter 2:1-22

    8.  I have everything I need for life and godliness.
2 Peter 1:3-4

9.  Qualities that make me like Christ should be increasing in my life.
2 Peter 1:5-12, 3:11-14

10.   The Day of the Lord is coming!
2 Peter 3:4-13

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Strong Women: Refusing to Allow False Teachers to Speak Into Our Lives

If you haven't had a chance to read 2 Peter chapter 2, do it now. (But I'm warning you, it's not a fluffy, feel-good chapter. It's a little intense.)

This whole concept of false teachers keeps coming up again and again in the New Testament. I’m no Bible scholar, but I know that repetition indicates importance, so we would be wise to pay attention. We have so many voices speaking to us today and it’s hard to know who to choose to listen to. How can we discern the false teachers from the true teachers? How can we make sure we aren’t deceived? Should we even bother?

A quick glance at the “Women’s Bible Study” page on allowed me to find a list of today’s most popular Bible study authors and teachers. Can you name a few? Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Angie Smith, Jennie Allen, Kelly Minter, Lisa Harper, Angela Thomas, Jen Hatmaker…the list goes on. There are men’s studies and women’s studies and youth studies and kids studies. There are studies called “Seamless” and “Stuck” and “Living Free” and “Stronger” and “Restless” and “Ever After”. We are just absolutely inundated with options for “Bible Study” resources. Then we have all of the TV preachers like Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer and Charles Stanley and even Billy Graham. Even in Gonzales we have many options to choose from when it comes to preachers – Jesse Elizondo, Forrest Hamilton, Chris Irving, Andy Smith. Think of a few preachers/teachers that you listen to on a regular basis. It's your job to consider whether or not what these teachers are teaching you is in line with the teaching found in Scripture. 

First things first… Why bother?
The simple answer is this: there ARE false teachers among us. It's not that there could be or that there might be or that one day there will be, it's that there already are! There are people in this world who are seeking to mislead and deceive us as believers. Satan wants nothing more than to deceive you and make you believe his lies instead of God’s truth. We know that these false teachers exist, but so often we think that we are immune to them. It’s like we’re teenagers with brand new driver's licenses. We confidently own the road and we absolutely do not believe that anything bad will ever happen to us. Too often, we treat Bible teaching the same way. We just don’t think it will happen to us. But we MUST look carefully at who is teaching us to make sure that what they say is true and that it lines up with Scripture.

So HOW do we do that? How do we know if a teacher is false or true? The Bible gives us some great guidelines and a good list is found in 2 Peter 2.

11.     They are destructive. (v1)
22.     They follow their sensuality. (v1)
33.     They are greedy. (v3,14)
44.     Their words are false. (v3)
55.     They despise authority. (v10)
66.     They are bold and willful. (v10)
77.     They are irrational. (v12)
88.     They are ignorant. (v12)
99.     They lie. (v13)
110. They are hungry for sin. (v14)
111. They are enticing. (v18)
112. They promise freedom. (v19)
113. They are enslaved to corruption. (v19)

At first glance, most of these things seem really bad- like glaringly, obviously BAD. But these false teachers don’t always look this way on the outside. They have pretty faces and are well spoken. They appear to have it all together and know what they’re talking about. They often hold positions of prominence and power. But what they teach is often a substitute gospel. A substitute gospel is any teaching that takes the place of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Scripture the Pharisees were well known for such beliefs. They believed that they had to adhere to a list of rules and practices in order to be saved. They were caught up in legalism. We do the same thing today, just with a different list of rules to follow. Our rules are things like church attendance and service projects and tithing. False teachers come to us with beautiful outsides but their messages don't always proclaim Christ.

Paul writes about this same problem in his letters to Timothy (1 and 2 Timothy). Paul is in the same position as Peter in this case – he is writing a letter to Timothy, warning him of things that might hinder the spread of the gospel and instructing him in how to lead the church. In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Paul says,

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” 

The day is coming (and may already be here) when people won’t want to hear the truth of God’s Word preached any more! They’ll move on to different topics that “tickle their ears” and pique their interest. Why? Just a few verses earlier in 2 Timothy 3:2-5, Paul writes, 

“People will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."

And then perhaps the scariest verse of them all is verse 6 and 7. 

“For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” 

These WEAK WOMEN are allowing these false teachers to creep into their homes. What do we need to do to make sure this doesn’t happen to us???

First of all, above every other thing, we MUST READ GOD’S WORD. I’m not going to get hung up on legalistic rules about how you must read it for 30 minutes straight every morning in your chair with your incense burning and your soft music playing before you do anything else. I’m just going to say that you need to be reading God’s Word like you eat food. OFTEN. REPEATEDLY.

Second, any time the Word of God is being spoken or taught to you, you MUST OPEN YOUR BIBLE and check to see that what the teacher is saying is true. This comes from Acts 17:11, where the Bereans examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul was saying was true. This also implies that you bring your Bible to church. It implies that you bring your Bible to Bible Study! Bring your Bible to church! Open your Bible when the TV preacher is on. Open your Bible when you're reading this blog or any other claiming to teach biblical principles. Bring it and open it and read it and check to see if you are being taught the Truth.

Third, we MUST PRAY THAT OUR EYES WOULD BE OPENED to discern false teaching from the truth. Remember, it’s not always easy to see. It might be tickling our ears and appealing to all of our desires. We need to ask God to reveal to us whether a teacher is true or false.

The good news comes in verse 9 after Peter has reminded us of Noah’s rescue on the ark and Lot’s rescue from Sodom and Gomorrah. He says if God has rescued them, “Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment.” Vengeance belongs to the Lord. He will take care of every single one of these false teachers on the day of judgment and he has promised to rescue us until then.

But until then, we must be on our guard against false teachers in our own lives. We must consider every teaching carefully, checking it against Scripture to make sure that what we’re being taught is true. If we do not take this seriously, we are in danger of becoming the weak women Paul described who let lies into their homes. God forbid. 

When trying to decide if what you are being taught is true, consider these two things:

Any teaching that presents any other thought or idea as superior to the gospel message of Jesus Christ is false. 

Any preacher or teacher that teaches concepts and topics without a stated, solid foundation in Scripture, should be questioned.

Remember, false teachers are here. It's our job, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to discern the false teachers from those who are truly teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Promises and Virtues

Welcome to Second Peter! If you haven't read Chapter One yet, go do that now! It is so good. It is delicious. We could just read it over and over and it would feed our souls forever! 

A few pertinent details for you to know about Second Peter...

Author: Peter                         Recipients: The churches in Asia Minor
Date: 64-67 AD                     Purpose: A lesson in godly living before Peter’s death

Second Peter was addressed to believers – to “those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.” (v1) It is implied that every bit of instruction Peter is giving is to Christ-followers. Remember that term? Christ-followers. We have already established that a Christ-follower is one who has not only accepted Christ as Savior but who has also made Him Lord or Boss of their lives. These instructions are not intended for people who have not made Him Savior and Lord. You can't read Second Peter and apply it to the life of a non-believer. It's written especially for the Church, the Bride of Christ!

If you've been a blog-reader for a while, you know we've laid a good foundation for the fact that to be a Christian, by very definition, you must be a Christ-follower. But we can't stop there! As believers we need to keep growing! (That's what Peter is reminding the believers in Asia Minor to do.)

Step One: Invite Jesus to be Lord of your life.
Step Two: Grow in grace and peace in the knowledge of Him.

But how? Growing in Christ sometimes seems like a daunting task. We feel like we have so far to go to reach godliness! But the truth is found in verse three. We actually have everything we need for life and godliness by his divine power! The same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in us! John 14:12 tells us that we can do even greater things than Jesus did and that’s what he expects from us. There are no more excuses, no more reasons to feel trapped in sin or stuck in a spiritual rut. We already have every single thing we need for growth in this life.

God has granted to us so many great and precious promises so that we can partake in his divinity.
He gives us His promises! We aren’t just bystanders or audience members or bench warmers. We are partakers, fellow heirs with Christ, participants! Not Billy Graham and the Apostle Paul and Mother Teresa – me and you! And because of this power and our participation in the divine nature, we have escaped the evil and corruption in the world that is here because of sinful desire. We were all born with a sin nature, but we are not slaves to it. His divine power has given us everything we need to live godly lives and defeat sin. This is Peter’s message! 

I decided to look up some of these precious promises and here's what I found:

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Matthew 11:28-29 – “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Isaiah 40:29-31 – “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Philippians 4:19 – “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:37-39 – “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 10:9 – “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

And then in our morning Bible Study, we thought a few more. You'll have to look these up on your own. They're so so good!

Proverbs 3:6          Jeremiah 33:3
Philippians 4:7      Psalm 139
Philippians 4:13    Psalm 91
Romans 10:13

So we have his promises and we have everything we need through His power to grow, so how do we grow? What does it really look like?

Well, we've got a list of virtues here. 

Self Control
Brotherly Affection

We had so much great discussion this week about whether or not these virtues are listed in this order for a significant reason. In my studies and reading of commentaries, I found that most likely, these are in no particular order. But some of our ladies found really meaningful insights when they looked at the order of these verses. One said that it seems like we start with the head of the body (faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control) and we move to the heart (steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, love). I love that! Another pointed out that when we can handle the first few inward qualities of faith, virtue and knowledge in our own minds and hearts, we see results in our own lives through self-control and steadfastness and godliness, and it carries over into our relationships with others with the last two outward qualities of brotherly affection and love. 

The English language doesn’t always do the original language justice in it’s translation. Whether or not the order of these virtues is significant, all of these virtues should be increasing in the life of a believer. If they aren’t increasing, it’s wise to “be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election” (v10) to make sure that you have really surrendered your life to the lordship of Christ. These qualities should be increasing in the life of a believer if we are truly believing and tapping into the power and divine nature of God. This is growth. These qualities in increasing measure keep us from being ineffective or unfruitful for Jesus. Make it a point to begin asking God to develop the virtues in your life that need some work so that you will not become ineffective or unfruitful.

Why would we NOT pursue these qualities in our lives?
Unfortunately, sometimes we become nearsighted and blindness results. We are focused on ourselves, the things of this world, the passions of the flesh, our momentary troubles and we, in our near-sightedness, become blind to the fact that those things don’t really matter and that we are supposed to have our gaze fixed on Him, especially if we want to access the power that he has promised us.

Practicing these qualities and allowing them to increase in our lives allows us to confirm our calling and election as believers and Scripture assures us that we will never fall when we do this. (v11)

So, sisters, are you ready to GROW? It's so much easier to slack off, fall away, get lazy and make excuses. Let's commit to not let that happen! Let's commit to encouraging each other to read God's Word. Let's decide to pick each other up when we start to fall. Most importantly, let's remind each other of the precious promises we have in Him that give us everything we need for life and godliness because of His greatest Gift, Jesus Christ!