Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Feeling Empty? Open Your Bible!

It's the time of year I dread the most. I went out to my garage this morning to do some laundry and was almost instantly drenched in sweat. My kids have been running wildly (and oh-so-very-loudly) through the house playing hide and seek and I don't have the heart to force them outside with a heat index of 114. By 9am, they were begging me for "something fun" to do and were sadly surprised to find that I am not their summer-entertainment-coordinator (which is actually what birthed the hide-and-go-seek game). Our calendar for June contained lots of fun things like Camp, Vacation Bible School and a trip to the beach, but July and August seem disturbingly empty, which only means many more slow days like this one are ahead. We'll be checking things off of our summer bucket list, but even a trip to get a snow cone takes a mere 30 minutes, leaving me approximately eleven and a half blessed hours of the day to get through. I love my children with every breath in me and I try so hard to enjoy these fleeting years, knowing one day I'll miss them. But I thrive on routines and schedules and the long, slow days of "nothing-to-do" really get to me. Honestly, I'm feeling pretty empty today.

So last week's Open Your Bible group time really struck a chord with me when I read this quote,

"Don't let your emptiness keep you from coming to the well. Come to the well to be filled."

The story of the woman at the well in John 4 is not a new one for most of us, but I don't think I'd ever read this one in this light before. If you haven't read it yet, go now! This Samaritan woman was at Jacob's well to draw water that would quench her thirst temporarily. Soon she would want more. But Jesus offered her his living water, a water that would satisfy forever.

The question was asked of us, "What would it be like to stop nourishing our lives with good intentions and empty wells?" Too many of us are looking for a drink of plain old tap water when the King of Kings is offering us his living water.

This week, make it a point to come straight to the source of God's Living Water by opening your Bible. Any other attempt to satisfy your thirsty soul will leave you thirsty for more. John 4 would be a pretty good place to start - Go ahead, open your Bible!

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